Shopping Online: Debit Card Safety

Debits cards are handy; although we recommend using a credit card for all online purchases and paying off the credit card balance each month. Debit card fraud, as a result of online use, is higher than in-person debit card transactions.

If you choose to use your debit card online, take the following actions to limit your risk.

1. Verify your bank has your current contact information.
The Friendship Fraud Center automatically alerts you to suspicious activity on your debit card. Confirm your mobile phone number and your email address so we may reach you quickly and easily if there is suspicious activity on your debit card. Confirm your contact information by calling 812-667-5101 or stopping in one of our branches.

2. Only shop from online companies you are familiar with and trust.

3. Verify the website is secure. Look for the padlock and https.

4. Do not use public Wi-Fi.
It is difficult to verify the security of a public network.

5. Monitor your account regularly.
It’s always a good idea to keep a close eye on your account activity. Open your monthly statement at minimum. Logging in to your online or mobile banking weekly and setting up activity alerts is even better.

7 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself Online

Living in the digital age has many advantages. It can also make us vulnerable to fraud, identity theft and other scams, but with a education, awareness, and action, we can protect ourselves. Beef Up Your Cybersecurity Now