Friendship State Bank Agriculture and Commercial Lender, Mark Goley, is hanging up his banker hat after four decades serving Jefferson County. Goley and consumer lender Sherri Furnish joined the Friendship lending team in 2016, wanting to remain a part of community bank when their former employer was purchased by a larger regional bank.
Finance was not the direction Goley was headed after high school. He intended to study horticulture. He recalled taking a class where they learned about ornamental trees. Goley grew up on an apple orchard and he could not wrap his head around growing trees that did not produce or generate income. So, he switched to economics and the rest is history. Goley never lost his love for farming, but he developed a new passion for lending.
“Mark’s wealth of knowledge and lasting relationships with Jefferson County farmers is beyond compare,” said Friendship President and CEO Chris Meyer. “He would defend his loan decisions for his customers passionately. This made him the perfect community banker, his commitment to the customer.”
Mark Goley(far right), fellow lenders Sherri Furnish, Joe Davies, and Katie Sparks (marketing coordinator) with a local 4-Her at the 2022 Jefferson County 4-H Auction.
“In the last year, I’ve learned that Mark really cares about his customers and the community he lives in,” said fellow lender, Joe Davies. “He’s been in banking for over 40 years and has been a lifetime farmer. He cares a lot about the impact he’s made in both industries. In farming he implements a lot of soil conservation methods to better preserve the land for future use.”
Davies is looking to growing his relationships with those Goley has served as well as serving others in Jefferson County.
“I’ve enjoyed working alongside Joe Edmondson (Chief Commercial Lender) and Mark over the last year,” said Davies. “I’ve gathered much knowledge from them both and look forward to future growth.”
Mark Goley with Joe Davies, Madison's new agriculture and commercial lender. Davies just celebrated his 10-year anniversary with Friendship.
Davies has 10 years of experience and has spent the past five years training and working beside some of the best lenders Friendship, including fellow Madison lender Sherri Furnish, has ever had according to Meyer. Furnish continues to be a staple in the Madison community, helping folks with their home, personal, and vehicle borrowing needs.
“Davies is a vital part of our new generation of local lenders,” said Meyer. “He grew up in southeastern Indiana and is firmly rooted in the community. He has an extensive knowledge of the area and a knack for understanding where folks are coming from and how he can best help.”
Friendship wishes Goley the best as he embarks on new adventure. And the bank’s employees look forward to continuing to serve Jefferson County for generations to come.
Looking for a lender you can rely on? Start the Friendship! Apply online or call 812-667-5101 to schedule your appointment today.